MIJM institute is run by the students for the poor people. in our institute celebrating first certificate issuing function in Coimbatore on 3rd may. first batch 13 students completed his journalism course, while in his course the students are practising journalism and publishing magazine. they are trained in Indian law, basic pshcology etc. mohammed yousuf who was the Director MIJM and the Editor of TAARIQ monthly news paper Addressing welcome speech, in today the media are creating Bias and Propaganda now a days most of the international and national media is corrupted, Media is failed to telecast a Real news.. Eg: Osama bin laden Death? America is failed to give proof for the Death, America released Osama death Photo but it is fake, they blamed Pakistan is the Terrorist country, Still people did'nt know about the structure of Army and intelligence agencies. In every Year April 1st celebrate fool day. in this year America Celebrate Fool Day with Osama's Death. this is one of the "Media War" we have to Prevent people in this propaganda. so we have to launch a New Media even Print As well as Electronic media, He said in his Welcome Speech.
Mr Mohamed who was the chief guest for our MIJM institutie, he was lived in QATAR in more than 25years, he gave a Excellent Speech for new journalists about the World media war, and he gave some ideas to prevent a people in Media War. After his speech he issued Certificate and Gifts to the Students.